About Us
Together we will create a healthier and sustainable environment
About Us at
PT. Wahana Hijau Enviro (WHE)
As a part of the waste management industry, we specialise in providing you assistance for medical and hazardous & toxic (B3) waste.
We offer services all over JABODETABEK (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, dan Cianjur) area and further—depending on our client’s needs. Our progressive look out for ways to enhance the quality if our services as we prioritize our clients’ satisfaction and advantages in convenience, as well as catering services that simultaneously preserve and improve the quality of our environment.
Our main principle of “Safe Waste, Live Better” reflects our work ethics and the company’s fundamental vision in accommodating waste handling services with our industry expertise to ensure a more efficient, effective, and safe procedure in the long run. Moreover, our principle is derived from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s encouragement for a more advanced, environmentally-friendly method implemented in Indonesia’s growing waste management industry. Thus, we also believe that a deep understanding of environmental government regulations is necessary to operate with proper legal, moral, and practical methodologies.
On top of that, with this industry’s constant advancement, we believe education can go a long way than just recruiting experts and potential talents into the industry. Our mission is to create a more ubiquitous awareness of the waste management industry while also comprehending the importance of an environmentally-conscious society to broaden the horizon of Indonesia’s young minds’ potential.
Hence, we were aspired to offer services in consultation for those willing to enter the industry via training courses, environmentally-related regulated/official permit processing, and administrative assistance in report-building.
We are ambitious to conserve the essence our culture in the environment to dedicate our work back to the people through education about our industry and the ecosystem
Assalamu’alaikum WarahmatullahiWabarakatuh,
Firstly, I would like to give my sincere gratitude for His grace that Wahana Hijau Enviro (WHE) can contribute to the development of the waste management industry. Thus, Our company was established to assist in handling hazardous and toxic waste, where we specialize in liquid and solid (dry or wet) waste.
This company profile was created as a foundation for consideration and informative source related to the Hazardous and Toxic Waste (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun or B3) waste management industry, in which we want to be able present sufficient understanding of the basic knowledge prevalent in this industry.
Moreover, this thought was derived from our philosophy that WHE is inclined to participate in developing our environment’s quality in the long run.
Our company is aspired to always apt in catering significant accomplishments through our operation methodologies and committing to utilizing B3 waste to provide better solutions for the welfare of the public while improving the efficiency of our work overtime for our client’s convenience in the process.
Lastly, I would like to invite your co-operation in achieving this goal to create a better Earth for the future of family, friends, and the environment we share.
Let’s create “safe waste” to “live better.”
Menjadi perusahaan jasa pengelolaan limbah B3 yang handal, berkualitas dan profesional di Indonesia.

- Menjadi perusahaan pilihan yang utama untuk memberikan solusi bagi industri dan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dalam pengelolaan limbah B3 yang dihasilkan
- Mendukung pertumbuhan industri yang ramah lingkungan
- Berkomitmen dalam menjaga dan melestarikan lingkungan hidup

PT. Wahana Hijau Enviro (WHE) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pengelolaan limbah Medis dan limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun ( Limbah B3 ) dengan mengutamakan pelayanan yang terbaik untuk mencapai kepuasan pelanggan dan berkomitmen untuk menjaga dan melestarikan lingkungan hidup.
WHE memiliki tenaga yang handal dan professional dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup khususnya di bidang pengelolaan limbah B3 yang tersertifikasi. Selain jasa pengangkutan, WHE juga dapat memberikan jasa konsultan berupa pelatihan, pengurusan izin terkait lingkungan hidup dan pelaporan