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Industrial and Hazardous Wastes

Industrial and Hazardous Wastes

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With the increase in the industrial development of the Indonesian economy, more businesses are encouraged to be more aware of the many environmental consequences of such activities. Hence, Wahana Hijau Enviro comes to help you understand the fundamentals in both theoretical and practical expertise in handling waste.

This article hopes to help you see the prospect of cooperation with us by informing some crucial ideologies of the waste management industry and what it can do to help the betterment of the Indonesian economy. We will briefly explain the definition of industrial waste, hazardous waste, and the link between the two.


Instinctively, we can almost straightforwardly define industrial waste as any waste produced from industrial activities.

Such activities can be encountered at construction sites, textile manufacturers, and automotive maintenance[1]. Furthermore, industrial wastes include both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes.

Knowing how broad this category of waste is, it can be further categorized into several types of industrial wastes that are potentially harmful to human life and the environment––flora and fauna. However, before proceeding to such types, we need to thoroughly what hazardous waste is.

As the name suggests, hazardous waste is waste that poses characteristics that can be dangerous and harmful to human health and/or the environment–regardless of whether it causes direct or indirect risks in the long run[2]. It can be generated from various sources, including industrial processes–and come in many different shapes of the waste itself, such as liquids, solids, gases, and sludges. Undang-Undang (The Law) No. 32 of 2009 article 1 section (21) uses the term ‘Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun‘ or B3 to better understand come characteristics linked back to what is Hazardous and Toxic materials. Thus, section (22) uses the word limbah B3 as Hazardous and Toxic Waste. In short, the law defines such as wastes that can cause pollution and health of human beings around and other living creatures[3].

Types and Examples

Some types and examples of industrial waste that may be hazardous include[4]:

  • Solid waste: Examples include,
    • Iron and steel manufacturing;
    • Water treatment; and
    • Plastic and resins manufacturing.
  • Toxic waste: This type of waste is commonly produced from other materials, which are generated from factories, manufacturing facilities, and hospital/medical facilities (as well as commercial factories with laboratories). However, for something to be considered toxic/non-toxic, it is wise to consult with legal people in your area of operation. This is because each country’s (or district’s) regulations regarding the definition of toxic waste may differ from area to area.
  • Chemical waste: Generally, materials that contain harmful chemicals are labeled as chemical waste. However, it is not classified as hazardous waste, regardless of its capability to be harmful to humans and the surrounding environment (although, like toxic waste, it is better to double-check local regulations to ensure your materials’ safety). In the US, for example, for chemical waste to be considered hazardous, it must have several characteristics, such as ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity[5].
  • Secondary waste: This type includes scraps and residues resulting from production processes. Some examples are,
    • Coal combustion;
    • Spent founding sand; and
    • construction materials when infrastructure is demolished.


In general, all hazardous waste management processes would consist of[6]:

hazardous management process
General steps of Hazardous waste management process

The steps above are merely a broad timeline of any general hazardous waste management procedures. However, we can see from the diagram that regardless of it being a general mind-map, there are three branches of how hazardous wastes would be handled after their transit: recycled, disposed of, or treated. Furthermore, under each branch, there are sub-types of methodologies following them. Thus, more specific methodologies are intended to weave the most proper and precisely safe waste management for different types of hazardous waste.

To be precise, the Indonesian Law briefly mention the exact definition of what is considered as waste management is[7] on Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management Article 1 section (23).

Hazardous Waste Generation

According to Government Regulation No. 101 of 2014 on Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management, Article 3 Clause (1), Every person that produces Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3) is compulsory to proceed with the management of their B3 waste[8]. This management can be done independently or through hiring authorized services to protect the environment and the people surrounding the business.

According to Government Regulation (PP) No. 18 of 1999 Juncto PP No. 85 of 1999, a hazardous and toxic (B3) waste generator is someone in whose businesses and/or activities produce B3 wastes. Furthermore, every generator must process their B3 wastes with the help of available proper methodologies, in which, if incapable of doing so, generators can export them to any country that can provide the most proper procedures for its management[9].

Some countries, like the US, classify hazardous waste generators in several categories. Fundamentally, a generator (similar to what has been mentioned above) produces wastes characterized in part 261 of title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), where the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes three categories based on the quantity of hazardous waste generated per month, such as[10]:

  • Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQGs): produces up to 100 kgs.
  • Small Quantity Generators (SQGs): creates more than 100 kgs but less than 1000 kgs.
  • Large Quantity Generators (LQGs): produce more than 1000 kgs.

These method of categorization of a broad group of definition helps policymakers to understand more about different circumstances of the business world, including those in relation with the waste management industry. Such knowledge then may generate better policies for the protection of our environment and the people in the long-run. Therefore, we recommend for any business to precisely research about various law that may bind your waste generation in your local areas.

Hazardous Waste Transportation

Although transportation may seem like a small part of the waste management industry, the correct way of waste distribution is crucial in any part of any business that generates or processes waste. This is because, with the wide range of waste types produced each time by different industries, special transit procedures require diverse methods to prevent any leakage and efficiency of the whole process itself. Moreover, as every generator needs to be able to process its wastes, some generators cannot do so due to a lack of expertise, cost, or even legal risks. In such cases, there are experts in waste transportation.

Wahana Hijau Enviro is a waste transportation company specializing in B3 waste management services all over JABODETABEK. But why do some needs special waste transportation services? Let’s dissect it below.

In the case of distributing wastes, it is somehow already clear enough that B3 wastes are generated mainly by businesses and distinctively different from general household wastes (which businesses also generate simultaneously with generating B3 wastes); therefore, many businesses require specialized waste management services to get rid of it. In the case of B3 waste, some businesses may lack the capital, cost, and time to manage their hazardous wastes; hence, they need third parties’ help. The big problem is that some countries, such as Indonesia, where their waste management industry only occupies a small fraction of the economy, may not able to provide some categories of hazardous waste types’ processing methods. In this case, the law requires generators to consider exporting them to countries with more developed waste management industries where their hazardous wastes have trusted expertise to treat them.

However, two problems arise with exporting waste. First, it is costly as international transit most likely requires higher fees as it may also include international tax or depending on which countries both the generator and the processor is; the transportation process may require a shipping rate depending on how far and what means of transport one requires.

Second, time-consuming. Unlike domestic or local waste management, international distribution often requires some time to schedule as it is more often than not inflexible due to procedures and regulations. Moreover, when exporting to a distant location, generators must store their wastes until their following pick-up schedule. Other than that, when storing hazardous wastes, individuals must ensure that they understand the correct time limit or quantity regulations for waste storage. For example, as mentioned above, the US categorizes hazardous waste generators into three classes. One example is that SQGs “may accumulate hazardous waste on-site for 180 days without a permit (or 270 days if shipping distance is >200 miles)”[11]. It is important to note that different countries may have significantly different regulations; therefore, always check the regulations of generators’ and processors’ countries.

Now, as some generators may lack their own facilities to handle their waste, some processors may also lack transportation facilities. Therefore, companies like WHE are necessary as a connector between the two. Knowing such issues mentioned above with international shipping of waste management and understanding the small portion of the waste management industry in Indonesia, we want to make sure hazardous wastes can be processed accordingly. Not only should transporting waste not be too complicated for both generators and processors, but we also want to ensure that it is safe, proper, and inclusive. WHE understands the importance of expertise as our services range to 100 types of hazardous waste that may require different transportation methods to prevent any leakage and external issues. We also ensure our capitals are authorized under Indonesian law as we promise the best-regulated waste management services. Therefore, we allow a flexible waste pick-up with transparent supervisory of any procedure our personnel conducts on your wastes.

*We encourage you to do your personal research on how to handle different hazardous waste types. We will try to provide an article on this matter in the nearest future to help you see the general understanding on it.


[1] Southern Waste and Recycling. n.d. FAQs About Industrial Waste Mgt | Southern Waste & Recycling. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 26 August 2022].

[2] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2022. Learn the Basics of Hazardous Waste | US EPA. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 26 August 2022].

[3] Law (Undang-Undang) No. 32 of 2014 on Environmental Protection and Management Article 1 section (21) says “Bahan berbahaya dan beracun yang selanjutnya disingkat B3 adalah zat, energi, dan/atau komponen lain yang karena sifat, konsentrasi, dan/atau jumlahnya, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, dapat mencemarkan dan/atau merusak lingkungan hidup, dan/atau membahayakan lingkungan hidup, kesehatan, serta kelangsungan hidup manusia dan makhluk hidup lain.” On section (22), “Limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun, yang selanjutnya disebut Limbah B3, adalah sisa suatu usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang mengandung B3.”

[4] DeVroom, D., 2019. What id Industrial Waste?. [Blog] IDR Environmental Services, Available at: <> [Accessed 24 August 2022].

[5] United States Environmental Protection Agency. n.d. Defining Hazardous Waste: Listed, Characteristic and Mixed Radiological Wastes | US EPA. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 September 2022].

[6] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2022. Learn the Basics of Hazardous Waste | US EPA. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 26 August 2022].

[7] Law (Undang-Undang) No. 32 of 2014 on Environmental Protection and Management Article 1 section (23) says “Pengelolaan limbah B3 adalah kegiatan yang meliputi pengurangan, penyimpanan, pengumpulan, pengangkutan, pemanfaatan, pengolahan, dan/atau penimbunan.

[8] Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah) No. 101 of 2014 on Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management Article 3 Section (1) says “Setiap orang yang menghasilkan Limbah B3 wajib melakukan Pengelolaan Limbah B3 yang dihasilkannya.” or read at:,Tahun,-2014.pdf

[9] DLHK Provinsi Banten. 2014. Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Provinsi Banten | PARA PIHAK DALAM PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH BAHAN BERBAHAYA DAN BERACUN (B3. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 September 2022].

[10] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2022. Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators | US EPA. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 26 August 2022].

[11] Ibid.

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